OMG!!! That's so weird!!! I was just thinking about The MoMA Project, too!!!
This was an unusual one. It's not ads, per se. It was, instead, an exhibit at MoMA.
The architecture firm WORKac approached Wieden+Kennedy, New York to collaborate on a featured exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream was "an exploration of new architectural possibilities for cities and suburbs in the aftermath of the recent foreclosure crisis."
MoMA requested that each exhibitor provide a scaled architectural model, a written summary, and video installation. At the onset of the project, WORKac asked us to become a part of their team. Instead of using the video to sum up the project or develop the typical fly-through video, W+K and WORKac used the video component as a marketing opportunity for Nature City. Creating real estate ads for the development elevated the project above the hypothetical to the realm of the possible. Together, we made Nature City feel as if it were shovel-ready.
Check out the video installation below.
credit: writer / creative director. director: lena beug